October 26 — 27, 2023
Sport Canada Research Initiative Conference
The 17th annual Sport Canada Research Initiative (SCRI) Conference, the country’s leading sport participation research conference, is returning in a hybrid format for 2023. The theme of the 2023 SCRI Conference is “Making Sport Better Together.”
At SCRI, people working, playing and volunteering at all levels of sport, from community clubs to national sport organizations, come together with sport researchers and policymakers to share knowledge and make new connections. The conference format is designed to foster collaboration and engagement. This year’s agenda features engaging plenary and keynote presentations, interactive panel discussions, and hands-on networking events, including a Paris Olympic and Paralympic themed social hour and hands-on workshop focused on Advancing Research Partnerships in Sport.
Call for abstracts
All researchers and graduate students interested in presenting at the 2023 SCRI conference will be required to submit a 250-word abstract to SIRC by August 25, 2023 at 11:59pm EDT. Abstracts will be reviewed and presenters will be notified about the status of their presentation no later than September 15, 2023.
Researcher presentations will take place during the morning session on Friday, October 27. There will be no poster session at this year’s conference. Rather, we will host parallel sessions for oral research presentations on common topics or themes related to sport participation. Each researcher will have up to 8 minutes to verbally present their research, followed by a 2-minute question and answer period. While in-person participation is encouraged, a virtual presentation option (via Zoom) will be available.
Abstract submission information: https://sirc.ca/scri/abstracts/
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