Established in 2020, the Canadian Concussion Network/Réseau Canadien des Commotions (CCN-RCC) has a vision to establish and guide a coordinated national research and knowledge translation agenda. This agenda aims to reduce the risk of concussions and their consequences across four broad domains: prevention, detection/diagnosis, prognosis/modifiers, and treatment.

CCN-RCC 5th Annual Meeting
The 5th CCN-RCC Annual Meeting will take place June 9-10, 2025 in Victoria, British Columbia. Our conference aims to bring together leading clinicians, researchers and community members to exchange ideas and share their experiences and new avenues in prevention, detection/diagnosis, prediction of recovery, and management/treatment of concussion.
Call for submissions open now!

Mentorship Program
The CCN-RCC Mentorship Program represents a multidisciplinary pool of expertise, to provide career mentorship to trainees and assist in developing successful professional careers, in academia and beyond.

Visiting Trainee Program
The CCN-RCC Visiting Trainee Program provides support for trainees to engage in research training at a Canadian institution that is not available at their home institution. Funds may be used for travel, accommodations, meals and lab expenses related to the research training.
Priority Setting Partnership
Established in 2020, the James Lind Alliance Canadian Concussion Priority Setting Partnership (PSP) brings together patients, caregivers, and clinicians to identify the top ten unanswered questions in concussion. People across Canada with either lived experience with concussion or clinical experience with concussion shared their thoughts and ideas, to help shape the future of concussion research.
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25February 2025
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