Hotchkiss Brain Institute: Accelerating Concussion Award

Funding Information

This funding opportunity is open to members of the Hotchkiss Brain Institute, University of Calgary.

The award is open to early to mid-level career investigators only, defined as those who are within 10 years of the date of their first independent research-related appointment, and who are doing research in concussion and brain trauma.

The use of the funds is to support research projects in concussion and brain trauma. Use of funds is limited to salary support of research personnel and students/fellows, minor equipment (up to $5,000 without prior approval), research materials & supplies, and research participant costs (including reasonable participant reimbursement). The funds are not allowed to cover travel or conference expenses or to supplement an already existing project.

The value of the award is $100,000/award (up to two awards per year). The funds must be used within two years.