Implementation Science Chairs in Human Development, Child and Youth Health

Funding Information

The purpose of this funding opportunity is to fund early-career and/or mid-career researchers using a Chair model to advance Implementation Science within the field of human development, child, and youth health with the ultimate goal of promoting health and health equity. The Chair model supports a multi-pronged approach to Implementation Science capacity development as it supports the applicant, their program of research, and the team they build.

Funds Available

CIHR and partner(s) financial contributions for this initiative are subject to availability of funds. Should CIHR or partner(s) funding levels not be available or are decreased due to unforeseen circumstances, CIHR and partner(s) reserve the right to reduce, defer or suspend financial contributions to awards received as a result of this funding opportunity.

  • The total amount available for this funding opportunity is $4,000,000, enough to fund approximately four (4) awards. This amount may increase if additional funding partners participate. The maximum amount per award is $200,000 per year for up to 5 years, for a total of $1,000,000 per award. 
  • Of this $ 4,000,000:
    • $ 3,000,000 is available to fund three (3) applications relevant to the overall purpose of the funding opportunity.
    • $ 1,000,000 is available to fund one (1) application relevant to the Indigenous Health Implementation Science Chair in Human Development, Child and Youth Health priority research area. 
    • The top ranked application in the priority research area will be funded after which the remaining applications in the competition will be pooled together and funded in rank order.  If the priority research area is undersubscribed or lacks fundable applications, funds will be rolled into the general competition pool.
  • Each Chair award will include:
    • Salary award: $100,000 per year as a salary contribution, including fringe benefits and teaching release time.
      • If the Chair’s salary exceeds this amount, all additional costs are to be borne by the host institution. 
    • Research allowance: $100,000 per year as a grant component to support research, knowledge mobilization, training and mentorship/capacity-building activities.