Pierre Frémont
Professor, Faculty of medicine, Laval University
Pierre Frémont is a professor in the Department of Rehabilitation from the Faculty of Medicine at Université Laval since 1994. He is a past-president of the Canadian Academy of Sport and Exercise Medicine and has represented the organization at the Canadian Concussion Collaborative since 2012. Since 2014, he has been involved as a medical expert on concussion on several Canadian national and provincial (Quebec) initiatives to develop and implement concussion-related recommendations and policies in education, sport and leisure environments. As a clinician and researcher, he has developed a broad expertise on implementation issues for the prevention, detection and management of concussions in environments ranging from youth development sports to international competition. He developed the first use of a Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) as a knowledge transfer strategy for concussion in French language at Université Laval in 2016 and, through a collaboration with colleagues from the University of Calgary, contributed to the first English language MOOC on concussion in 2019.