Michael Noseworthy
Dr. Michael D. Noseworthy, PhD, PEng. Has a PhD focused on applications of MRI/NMR and electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) methods to assess free radical induced brain damage. From 1996-1999 he was a postdoctoral fellow in Imaging Physics, Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre working on the evaluation of tissue microvasculature through development of correlative MRI and energy dispersive X-ray microanalysis (EDXS). More specifically this was work focused on oncology and musculoskeletal imaging. From January 2000 to August 2003 worked as a MRI physicist for The Hospital for Sick Children and also University Health Network (UHN), Toronto, was an Assistant Professor in Medical Biophysics and Medical Imaging, University of Toronto. He moved to St. Joseph’s Healthcare and McMaster University in August 2003. Following 3 years as an Assistant Professor in Radiology and Medical Physics Dr. Noseworthy obtained a tenure track position in Electrical & Computer Engineering at McMaster University, where he currently resides as a full professor. At McMaster University from 2009 to 2020 he was the Director of the McMaster School of Biomedical Engineering. He has been the Director of Imaging Physics and Engineering at the Imaging Research Centre, at St. Joseph’s Healthcare, Hamilton since 2003 and more recently helped found the Centre for Integrative and Advanced Medical Imaging (CIAMI) at McMaster University. Dr. Noseworthy also has Special Professional Staff status at St. Joseph’s Healthcare and Hamilton Health Sciences (HHS) in both Radiology and Nuclear Medicine, and is the Associate Chair (Research) in the department of Medical Imaging. Dr. Noseworthy has trained over 80 graduate students and post-docs, published almost 180 journal papers and over 330 conference papers and abstracts. He has given over 160 invited lectures globally. He is the co-founder and CEO of TBIFinder, Inc. (https://tbifinder.com), a data analytics company focused on the applications of machine learning in localizing and grading brain injury. Dr. Noseworthy is a practising Biomedical Engineering registered with the Professional Engineers of Ontario (PEO). He is also a member of International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM) and European Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine and Biology (ESMRMB).